News & Events
June 18, 2024
The photo album has been updated with photos from Community Rehab Project 2024!
January 19, 2024
Documents for 2024 have been uploaded!
Contact Us
Mailing Address:
Community Rehab Project
PO Box 387
Comanche, TX 76442


Student Center

Daytime Events -

Community Rehab students gain a different life-transforming experience as they spend each day with their crew at that crew”s designated home site. At this site, students will be involved in serving others as they repair the exterior of the home, engage in a daily afternoon Bible study, and share Christ with neighborhood children during Rainbow Express time. Simply seen is the love of Jesus Christ with their presence in the neighborhood.

Evening Events -

Each evening at Community Rehab, students will experience authentic worship and engaging teaching with that week’s speaker. Encompassing the week’s theme, the speaker will teach those who have accepted Christ how to live a more Christ-like life and those who have not come to know Christ how they can enjoy a most awesome life with Him.

Each evening after worship, students will spend group time with their home church group to share the day’s experiences.

Daily Schedule | 2024_Schedule.pdf

Dress Code | 2024_Dress_Code.pdf

Facility Rules | 2024_Facility_Rules.pdf

What to bring -

Out of town students will stay at Comanche High School and will need to bring the following:

  • BIBLE for evening worship
  • Sleeping bag, pillow and blanket for sleeping
  • Towels and toiletries for showering
  • Daily work clothes for project work at home site. *SEE DRESS CODE
    WARNING: Daily work clothes do tend to get dirt and paint on them!
  • Evening clothes for worship
  • Tools | 2024_Tool_List.pdf

Student Registration | 2024_Rehab_Student_Registration.pdf